Monday, July 19, 2010


Everyone have something to celebrate as they want a particular people around them to appreciate or know their special day. However, the celebration doesn’t celebrate itself otherwise someone handle it very well. Talking about handle something carefully, we must have this six elements to make of what we want to do to be a reality. There are as follow:

From the picture, we’re are having a small birthday celebration. We celebrate my father’s 45th birthday. This celebration cannot be happened if we don’t have an intention to have a celebration. All of us have an intention and the one who have to work on it is my brothers and I. Here, we applied the second step which is people. People that mention is us. We have to do something otherwise the celebration will not be done.

After we had agreed to work on the celebration, we need the third steps which is act. The act that we had done was bought a cheese cake. To do so, we need to put some condition on how we want the cake looks like. So, we applied the step, principle. Our condition of the cake was it must be delicious, circle,not so much deco and it must be cold. We had found the suitable cake from the fourth shop and the cake was perfect. Because of the type of the cake, there was not so well decorate. However, cheese cake was my father’s favourite.

By bought that cake, we proceed to the next steps which is product. The product we’re talking here is the cheese cake. After we go through all these steps, we will have the product and the product we produced is perfect and it is suit with the criteria. The last is place. The celebration was held in my house and the celebration was just a small one. However, it was held in my house, it was very happening and my father was so surprised as he totally forgot he’s own birthday